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Focus on the First Step: Digital Dreams, Goals, and Reality

05-11-2020 12:44 Adrianne Machina Partner Specific

Companies who want to move toward digital transformation need to start with a firm foundation that includes
solid business systems and reliable, secure, cloud-based data. No matter what mix of Microsoft solutions you offer, you have an audience who needs your services. Focus on the first steps, and the rest of the path will appear.

Originally published in The Partner Channel Magazine - Fall 2018

The nightmare scenario for software consultants is:

MARKETING: “It’s the simple software program that solves all your business problems—and it comes with a free toaster!”
SALES: “Well, there’s no toaster, but the software is SUPER simple.”
CONSULTING: “They promised WHAT?! OMG!” <runs out of the room crying>

As a software consulting organization that must deliver on what you market and sell, how do you sell Microsoft’s digital transformation message, when many of the enabling technologies like blockchain feel like light years away from a solution you can deliver?

Recognize that marketing must capture attention, pique interest, and create desire before you can get someone
to take action. You want to inspire company executives to think about what’s possible. Only then can they take the first steps toward a more efficient, profitable future.

Think about any fitness ad you’ve ever seen. Fitness ads don’t show the thousands of people who are now average weight, thanks to their program. They show six-pack abs! Like a gym, your job is not to help every client get six-pack abs, but rather to get into functional shape to live a happy, healthy life.

As Microsoft Partners, we are incredibly fortunate to be able to use the software, tools, and materials developed
by Microsoft. They’ve spent millions of dollars developing flashy brochures, website content, and other marketing

They also have an enormous software development engine. Think how many new business applications have
become mainstream offerings in the last few years. Azure. Office 365. Dynamics 365. There’s no doubt that
Microsoft is a credible player in the cloud space. Microsoft has software and tools for every size business—at every stage of the digital transformation journey.

Digital transformation is a business approach that’s been made possible by technology. It recognizes fundamental shifts in today’s business landscape. You don’t have to have the technology offerings in place to have conversations about digital transformation.

Domain Analog Digital
Customers  Mass market broadcasting of
Two-way dialogue appealing to key
Competition  Clear rivalry playing a zero-sum
game; assets fiercely guarded
Fluidity between Partners and rivals; cooperation; sharing of assets and resources
Data  Challenged to store, structure, and
manage operational data in distinct
Data is continuously generated everywhere and turned into useful, valuable information
Innovation Decisions flow down from executives;
failure is avoided at all costs
Ideas are continually validated and tested, making failures smaller and seen as a learning experience
Value  Become the best; optimize that model
as long as possible
Value is defined by the customer, and evolution gets you ahead of the curve

It’s not just you. Many organizations don’t feel ready to jump into cloud business apps and digital transformation.
Their conservative executives are more comfortable sitting back to see what pans out and what falls out. Meet these clients exactly where they are, presenting yourself as the down-to-earth consulting firm, brimming with pragmatic advice. Clients appreciate honesty and transparency.

Companies who want to move toward digital transformation need to start with a firm foundation that includes
solid business systems and reliable, secure, cloud-based data. No matter what mix of Microsoft solutions you offer, you have an audience who needs your services. Commit to continually learning about digital transformation. Focus on the first steps, and the rest of the path will appear.

Adrianne Machina

Written by Adrianne Machina

Terms of Use: Dynamic Communities does not take responsibility for any incorrect or outdated information and looks to the author as the expert to provide accurate content.

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