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Going to the Cloud? Prepare Like a Pro!

04-16-2020 15:27 Steve Tanner Dynamics GP

This article offers a step-by-step template for moving your Microsoft Dynamics system to the cloud with confidence.

Originally published in Q3 2017 GPUG Magazine

So, your organization has decided to move your Microsoft Dynamics system to the cloud. Now what? Having supported many types of Microsoft Dynamics clients since the early days of hosting in 1999, the common theme I’ve seen from the most successful projects is the right level of preparation by the client.

When moving to the cloud today, the options are more varied, but the basic principles are the same. For some organizations, the answer can be as simple as spinning up a new server in their existing public cloud environment. For most, there are many steps to be completed to make the move with confidence.

The direction you take depends on why you’ve decided to move to the cloud in the first place.

The most common reasons for moving to the cloud include:

  • You have minimal to no IT staff, so you want to outsource your Microsoft Dynamics infrastructure to a trusted provider.
  • You want to get out of the hardware business, and you need flexibility to expand or contract your infrastructure as needed.
  • You would like to take advantage of the Microsoft Dynamics Web Client, and you want to have a more secure and reliable platform for your Users.
  • Your IT staff is too busy managing key operations systems to effectively manage your finance and ERP infrastructure.
  • You have multiple sites, or have added new sites, possibly in different time zones, and can’t rely on your internal resources to effectively support all sites.

Each of these reasons determines a shift in certain responsibilities from in-house resources to your new cloud service provider (CSP).

Here is a grid of key responsibilities and options for outsourcing. There are many items that need to be addressed to have a successful Microsoft Dynamics deployment. Just because a vendor says that they can support Microsoft Dynamics in the cloud doesn’t mean that they are providing all the services needed for your project.

Responsibility grid

As you evaluate which responsibilities you want to hand off and which ones you are willing to keep, you will be able to evaluate which CSPs and options make sense for your transition plan.

Ultimately, you will want to verify that your CSP is doing what you expect of them, and that your team understands that they are handling what is left.

If you’re like many Users of Microsoft Dynamics, you’ve been relying on your traditional laptop or desktop to launch Microsoft Dynamics or connect to data on your company’s servers. Now that you’re moving to the cloud, Microsoft Dynamics can be delivered in multiple User experiences.

Knowing which User experience you want to deliver to your team will help when communicating with your prospective CSPs.

Traditional Desktop Client

  • The look and feel of the desktop client is the same as you’ve used on your personal workstation.
  • The desktop client is traditionally deployed using Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) and/or Citrix. RDP requires that you have a secure connection to the CSP first, usually using a VPN; then you’ll be able to connect to the remote desktop. Citrix uses a small piece of software loaded on your workstation called a Citrix Connector that allows you to simultaneously connect securely and open the remote desktop.
  • Tools such as Management Reporter and Integration Manager need a remote desktop to be able to function.
  • Using Microsoft Office on the remote desktop requires server licenses of Office to be installed on the remote desktop server. These licenses are based on a named User requirement. The CSP can normally provide these licenses, or if you have an Office 365 E3 or ProPlus subscription, you can generally use your own licenses for this installation.
  • Most Microsoft Dynamics third party solutions (ISV) are compatible with an RDP/Citrix option. ISV vendors can verify compatibility for you.

Microsoft Dynamics Web Client

  • The Web Client is a web-based view of Microsoft Dynamics. The look and feel is different from the desktop client, but the ability to connect using a tablet, phone, or traditional desktop makes this a convenient option for a broad range of Users.
  • The Web Client relies on a web server as part of the infrastructure and secure SSL (Secure Socket Layer) connections. A Microsoft Dynamics-focused CSP will understand these requirements and can address them with you.
  • Export functions from Microsoft Dynamics and reporting tools to Microsoft Office will generally need to have Microsoft Office installed on your local workstation or device. Because this is a web-based User experience, there is the possibility of integration with Office 365 Online. Your Office 365 subscription for this client experience will be determined by whether you need online and/or desktop installations of Office.
  • ISVs are not universally compatible with the Microsoft Dynamics Web Client. Please check with them to verify compatibility.

Remote Connection to Your Data through a Secure VPN

  • There are many scenarios where connecting to your Microsoft Dynamics data is needed. You may have custom reporting systems, or other applications that read from or write to your Microsoft Dynamics data.
  • The important focus here is to ask about how to secure the connection between your Users and the data center where your Microsoft Dynamics data is stored. This is most commonly secured using a VPN (virtual private network). A VPN can be a piece of software loaded on your Users’ workstations, or a more permanent site-to site VPN connection between your office(s) network and the CSP’s data center.
  • Some CSPs charge extra for this service and others bundle it in as an included feature of their package.

There are many reputable full-service Microsoft Dynamics hosting providers in the Microsoft Dynamics UG community that understand all of these issues and can speak to them with you and your Microsoft Dynamics Partner.

The PCI Security Standard Council1 has a simple framework that outlines a process to help with your selection of a CSP. I’ve applied it to the topic of selecting a Microsoft Dynamics CSP.

  • UNDERSTAND your requirements first.
         • Work with your Microsoft Dynamics Partner to develop a list of priorities that define your requirements.
         • Reach out to the UG community to get their input on what they’ve learned in their move to the cloud.
  • CHOOSE a deployment model that aligns with your needs.
  • EVALUATE different service options.
  • KNOW what you want from your CSP.
  • COMPARE providers and service offerings.
         • Is pricing based on consumption, flat rate, or per User?
         • How does pricing change if Users or additional servers are added?
         • How long are the agreements, and what is the process to change or exit?
         • Is Microsoft Dynamics subscription licensing available to be included, or do you bring your own license?
  • ASK questions of the CSP and verify their responses. For example:
         • What does each service consist of exactly, and how is the service delivered?
         • What does the service provide with respect to security, system maintenance, disaster recovery, and what is the client responsible for?
         • How will the CSP provide ongoing evidence that security controls and system maintenance routines continue to be in place and are kept up to date?
         • What will the CSP commit to in writing?
         • Are other parties involved in the service delivery, security, or support?
  • DOCUMENT everything with your provider in written agreements, for example, SLAs/terms of service contracts, etc.
  • REQUEST written assurances that security controls will be in place and maintained.
  • REVIEW the service and written agreements periodically to identify if anything has changed.

By following these steps, you will have a mutually agreed upon cloud solution matching your requirements and expectations.

Moving to the cloud is becoming a more common option for Microsoft Dynamics Customers across all industries. You’re in good company and can reach out to your UG community for feedback and recommendations.


Steve Tanner

Written by Steve Tanner

Terms of Use: Dynamic Communities does not take responsibility for any incorrect or outdated information and looks to the author as the expert to provide accurate content.

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