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The Rule of Multis: Are You Outgrowing Microsoft Dynamics GP

05-07-2020 09:12 Peter Joeckel Dynamics GP

While Dynamics GP continues to be a workhorse for thousands of organizations, some companies have outgrown its capabilities. This article can help you determine if it may be time to upgrade to a more robust solution.

Originally published in H2 2018 GPUG Magazine

Microsoft Dynamics GP is the “grand old dame” in the Microsoft ERP fleet. Hugely successful, loved by many, and supported by the greatest Partner channel in the world, Dynamics GP continues to be a workhorse for thousands of companies around the world.

As a mid-market solution, there are companies that have outgrown its capabilities as they grow and their business requirements become more complex. Understanding Dynamics GP’s primary functional constraints on a growing enterprise can help you decide if it’s time to “get fitted” for a more robust solution.

For companies that currently use Dynamics GP but are outgrowing its capabilities, there are many questions regarding potential solutions and options:

  • Am I using the software to its full potential? Perhaps all I am lacking is some education!
  • Is there a third-party independent software vendor (ISV) solution that fixes my issues? There is a huge ecosystem of great ISV solutions that can enhance and extend the life of your Dynamics GP solution.
  • Am I working with the right Partner to understand and fix my problems? As a common example, perhaps your Partner is great at the financial aspects of Dynamics GP, but as an ex-CPA firm, struggles with the nuances of a distribution or manufacturing company.
  • What are my best options if I need to make a change? Many Dynamics GP Partners have taken on other competitive ERP solutions, but products like Acumatica and NetSuite are often just a “sideways” or lateral move rather than a true functional upgrade or improvement.

Of course, the right answer is often complex and subject to unlimited opinion, but what if you just want a “rough idea” if it is time to seriously investigate a change? In my years of evaluating ERP solutions and extensive experience with larger and more sophisticated Dynamics GP implementations, I have found that a useful method for deciding if it is time to consider a new solution is the “rule of multis”.

Each “multi” that you check off below on your current (or near-future) functional requirements list is a clear indicator that it may be time to consider a change:

  • Multi-Company
  • Multi-LOB (line of business)
  • Multi-Location
  • Multi-Currency
  • Multi-Country
  • Multi-Language
  • Multi-Dimensional Inventory or Financials

The more line items you check off, the more certain it becomes that Dynamics GP may not be your best long-term solution. In some cases, one of the multis is all you need to torture your Dynamics GP and require an upgrade.

Multi-company and multi-location requirements are especially noteworthy in the case where there are multiple production facilities or warehouses that create a complex supply chain. Multiple-currency, multi-country, and multi-language are especially challenging. Local business regulations and tax considerations are usually found to be critical in companies with these requirements. These localizations have become particularly challenging for Dynamics GP in recent years.

Not as straightforward or common is the requirement for multidimensional inventory or multi-dimensional financial reporting. In many ways I find these to be the most challenging of the “multis” to understand, and therefore, the most difficult to implement.

Having taken Customers from their existing Dynamics GP solution to other more complete Dynamics ERP platforms, I know many of the technical, and functional, pitfalls associated with that discussion.

Peter Joeckel

Written by Peter Joeckel

Terms of Use: Dynamic Communities does not take responsibility for any incorrect or outdated information and looks to the author as the expert to provide accurate content.

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